
To book an Initial Appointment call the office at 403 609-8385. Sam or Jill are available to book appointments Monday to Friday with Wednesday calls returned Thursday morning. Or, book anytime day or night through our online booking system (link below).

If you a new patient make sure you fill in the Intake Form found on the right. Thanks so much!


Welcome! We require a medical history for each patient. Please print off and complete the form below that applies to you and bring it in to your first consultation.

After downloading the form, please print it, complete it, and bring it to your appointment.


Open to Wellness, the office of Dr. Monika Herwig is located in beautiful Canmore, Alberta less than an hour drive from Calgary.  Please note we have moved and google hasn't completely caught up with us! 


Office is located in Precision Spinal Wellness Center
#205 - 1205 - Bow Valley Trail (same side as the Hospital) 
Canmore, Alberta T1W 1P5